For decades, HACOFCO has been sourcing sustainable green coffee, and is considered one of the pioneers in sustainability.
Our annual imports of certified coffees (Fairtrade, organic, Rainforest Alliance and 4C labels) now comprise a significant share of our total volume. HACOFCO is proud to be one of the market leaders in this segment.
- Commitment to producing countries:
- Own projects
- Projects with customers, certifiers and other partners
- Goals:
- Improve the living conditions of producers
- Linking producers and roasters
- Strengthen environmental protection
- Increases in quality and productivity
- Facilitate access to markets
- Cultivate and expand close cooperation with producers
Climate neutral
We are a climate-neutral company: We have recorded our greenhouse gas emissions, are continuously reducing them, and offset the rest through climate protection projects.
Our steps:
Calculate emissions
Together with ClimatePartner, we calculated our CCF (Corporate Carbon Footprint), i.e. the CO2 footprint of our company. In doing so, we take into account emission sources such as energy and heating, but also business travel, office supplies and all emissions that we cause as a company. Indirect emissions occurring outside the company have not yet been included in climate neutrality.
Avoid and reduce emissions
Our CCF clearly shows us where we can further reduce CO2. We update it regularly, so we have an overview of our reduction success and can identify further levers.
Offset emissions
Inevtiably, our business creates emmissions we cannot avoid. We consistently offset them by supporting a climate protection project from the ClimatePartner portfolio:
Create transparency
You can track our climate neutrality via our "Climate Neutral Company" label and ID number:
- 1992 we became the first coffee trading house to join the organization TransFair Germany - today Fairtrade Germany.
- Import of certified coffees (Fairtrade, organic, Rainforest Alliance and 4C seal)
HACOFCO is part of the Fairtrade
"Kaffeerösthandwerk Partnerschaft"
In order to meet the ever-growing customer demand for high-quality and fairly traded coffee, Fairtrade Germany has launched the "Kaffeerösthandwerk-Partnerschaft" especially for small roasters. Here, if you buy up to five tons of Fairtrade coffee per year from authorized coffee traders such as HACOFCO, you may opt to receive promotional materials from Fairtrade that can be used in your café or store, informing them about your commitment.
And this is how it works:
- You register with Fairtrade Germany as a Coffee roaster:
- You pay an application fee of € 99. gross including the legal sales tax of currently 7%.
- You will receive access to corresponding materials and will be displayed on a map of the Fairtrade certified coffee roasters.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
You can also find more information here.
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
The new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) will be enforced in Germany starting January 1, 2023. The aim of the law is to improve the protection of fundamental human rights in global supply chains. This includes, for example, the prohibition of child labor or freedom from discrimination. The law also takes into account risks to the environment, in relation to human rights violations (e.g. through poisoned water) or endangering human health e.g. when it comes to banning hazardous substances such as mercury.
The LkSG requires covered companies to fulfill their due diligence obligations by following these five steps:
- Committing to human rights in a policy statement
- Conducting a risk analysis of the supply chain
- Provide for preventive and remedial measures
- Establish grievance mechanism
- Report on human rights due diligence
Effective January 1, 2023, companies with 3,000 or more employees will need to meet these requirements. Effective January 1, 2024, companies with 1,000 or more employees will also face these requirements. If companies outside the scope of the LkSG are direct suppliers of companies covered by the Act, then they can be required to implement due diligence requirements through their contractual relationship. It is important to note here that the law establishes a duty of effort on the part of the companies, but not a duty to succeed.
Although we as Hacofco are not directly affected by the law, we want to take responsibility and work to ensure human rights are respected in our supply chains. We are working on our own risk analysis and have joined forces with other companies in the coffee industry under the umbrella of the German Coffee Association, to launch a joint complaints procedure in the form of an online platform called ( . As an open ear for the coffee industry, we thus give all actors in the supply chain the opportunity to contact us directly.
We are aware that this law poses a great challenge to all of us, and we will be happy to support should you have any questions on the subject. You can also find some useful links here:
Business and Human Rights Helpdesk